DeCordova Museum
Master Plan + New Entry | Lincoln, Massachusetts
DeCordova, home of a nationally known art museum and museum school, displays contemporary sculpture over 35 acres of open space, attracting museum visitors, naturalists and picnickers alike.
In a series of bold and subtle strokes, Halvorson transformed this popular, yet problematic, landscape into an elegant, safe setting for outdoor art. Arriving on a re-aligned main drive, visitors are now gracefully oriented to the grounds and museum building before they reach the parking lot. Equally important, once-dangerous pedestrian-vehicular traffic conflicts have been eliminated so that cars now have minimal impact on the visitor experience.

2007 Merit Award for Design,
Boston Society of Landscape Architects
February 2009, "A Place for Sculpture: New England's largest sculpture park is transformed" by Jane Roy Brown
Landscape Architecture
35 acres
Craig Halvorson FASLA
DeCordova Sculpture Park + Musuem
Urban Instruments, Inc.
(Entrance Drive Visitor Station)